
Apple TV

Expand your reach to over 53 million Apple TV accounts with Shift72’s Apple TV integration


As a growing number of people invest in Smart TVs with Apple TV capabilities, having your own compatible app available to download on a user’s home screen can help your business create a more holistic end-to-end solution for audiences. With minimal work on your end, you can grow your reach and accessibility painlessly.

Custom app
Users can download your native app branded to your guidelines on their Apple TVs.

Apple TV
With a customisable home screen, Apple TV users can access and stream their favourite apps directly through their TVs and browse the internet through voice controls.  
Access to over 53 million active Apple TV users
Branded presence for year-round programming
Self-contained device for convenience and ease of use

From login to library, the Apple TV user experience is user friendly and branded to your business

Frequently asked questions

Does Apple TV work on every television?

Smart TVs going back to 2018 support Apple TV. Additionally, Apple TV is supported on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Playstation 4 and 5, and XBOX One, XBOX One S, XBOX Series X, and XBOX Series S.

How can our audience watch Apple TV on their televisions?

Any Device with an HDMI input is able to have an apple TV box connected, and a lot of modern TV's and devices come with apple tv accessible by default.

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